DISCLAIMER: Because so many copies of this video have spread online, we are unsure who to give credit for compiling the video. This video takes scenes from the award-winning 2003 Czech short film, "Most." "Most" means "bridge" in Czech. www.mostthemovie.com.
Life is indeed full of sacrifices. As one anonymous person quoted, it is easy to cross the ocean without wetting your feet, but it is difficult to cross life without wetting your eyes. We've seen a lot of movies that doesn't have a happy ending, and some of them are even tragic. For one, this is an example of a movie which would definitely touch the heart, gives us a reflection of how much God loves us, and what is the real essence of life. I seldom cry over sad movies or videos that I watch, but this one is surely one of those movies which brings tears falling down my cheeks and perhaps you will do as well.
The story of this movie was about a bridge keeper who had a son and together lived a happy life through the years. His son loved to watch trains passing by the bridge as well as the people riding in it. The bridge keeper and the son loved each other so much. Then one day, in the most unfortunate of events, the bridge keeper faced a life-and-death scenario at the bridge, in which the bridge keeper was forced to choose between either saving his son or saving a train full of people. If he chooses to save his son, a lot of people's lives will be lost and a great tragedy will occur. But if he chooses to save the passengers aboard the train, his only son will get crushed under the bridge and die. Indeed, it was such a very hard decision for him in just a very short time. Nonetheless, the bridge keeper chose to lower the bridge, crushed his own son under it, and saved the lives of many people. The bridge keeper cried so hard, and one of the passengers, a woman who is addicted to drugs, saw him crying by the window, and she felt his agony. He never really wanted to let his son die, nor let a tragedy to happen killing many people's lives. It was a challenge, a great test given by God to him. That situation is perhaps one of the hardest things to decide on in this world. Still, God permitted it to happen. He permitted it to happen to know what is inside our hearts, how much will we sacrifice, and how strong we are to face such a grave situation.
It is really hard to sacrifice something very dear to us. Then again, in the end, despite that heavy storm which swept away the most valuable thing or things in our lives, you'll find out that the sun comes shining down and that there was a reason for that as well. Everything in this world has a reason, and God knows what's best in our lives. God is the mastermaker of our lives and, and we need to trust in Him because he knows that what He is doing in our lives, be it fortunate or unfortunate events, he has a reason for that.
It is really hard to sacrifice something very dear to us. Then again, in the end, despite that heavy storm which swept away the most valuable thing or things in our lives, you'll find out that the sun comes shining down and that there was a reason for that as well. Everything in this world has a reason, and God knows what's best in our lives. God is the mastermaker of our lives and, and we need to trust in Him because he knows that what He is doing in our lives, be it fortunate or unfortunate events, he has a reason for that.