I appreciate all the blessings I receive from God each day, be it in a surprise or something that I have been expecting. At this moment, I am caught in a dilemma about something important I have been asking God for, and it is about having a decent and stable job. Although I have had already worked in several online jobs, from article writing to customer support representative, I still haven't been successful enough to last even at least two months in any of those online jobs. So, I made up my mind of trying to apply in local companies here in the city, though I know the fact that I will most probably earn lower than those online jobs can offer me. Right now, I am still currently working in an online job as a blogger. I liked the job at first, but as days do by. it seemed too much for me to write 15 blogs each day about topics which I don't even have any idea. While I'm currently employed in this job, I'm currently waiting for my second interview in a BPO company, for which I applied as an SEO Specialist. My initial interview went fine and I get to see the company's facility and it's a nice workplace in there. As expected, the salary there was lesser than I expected, but that;s fine for me.
Okay, so I'll get to my point now. I am in doubt as to which company I would work for a long-term, while I'm busy working in my online job, at the back of my mind, I'm thinking that working in a company is also nice as I can acquire certain benefits I cannot earn in online jobs. Also, I work home-based in an online job, so it wouldn't be much of a hassle for me as I don't need to be caught up in a traffic jam going to work and thus, no getting late. Both job opportunities have their own advantages and disadvantages against each other. I never forgot that somehow, I am still blessed enough to be in a situation like this, choosing for two great opportunities in life that God has given me. It's just that, it's quite hard to choose, because in the end, it boils down as to my preference, and whatever opportunity I prefer, their is somehow a sacrifice that I need to undertake. I do hope and pray to God I choose for the better, I hope to get the better.

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