Well, if you ask me, I think it's quite obvious that I have been busy in the past month or so, as I haven;t written anything after my last blog which was way before Christmas.
Oh well, I am glad I have the chance and the moment to recall my blogsite before the month of January ends.
Indeed, I have been very busy ever since I started my new job (I love the job!) and so I haven't got enough time to post my day-to-day experiences here, and perhaps this might continue in the many weeks to come as I am still adjusting my time management. And so, I call this a "hibernation period" for my blog. I try to do my best to adjust with my new career and my day to day scheds so that I will be able to find ample time once again to write my experiences in my beloved blog.
Take care everyone, til next time and God bless us all!=)

Drama kai bai.heheh