Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Uncanny

The Uncanny
Drazen A. Evilla

Gone was the grandeur of this moment's victor,
For a mysterious turbulence had occurred deep within,
Unleashing this diabolic creature from its prison,
And corrupted the halo of the torch of hope.

This creature had slept for thousands of years,
And brought up its dark soldiers as it lived once again,
All throughout, the darkness has now reigned,
Would this be the beginning of the world's end?

Loyalty will be tested to those who have faith,
And burn the souls of those wretched mortals,
They would suffer pain as their teeth would ache,
And the unfortunate souls would eternally burn.

But listen! The voices of the angels can be heard calling...
For the unfortunate ones and those who have protection,
While the doldrums of evil come rushing rapidly,
Hurling their weapons of terror and wrath.

But then, the Divine one would keep the evil at bay...
And melt the bones of the soldiers from the uncanny,
The blinding light would conquer the darkness of the hour,
And the trumpet of hope will blow once again!

No more tribulation has been left evident,
Caused by the demon whose cadaver burned to ashes,
No more ambiguity and cast curses left insurmountable,
For the good will always triumph forever!

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