At long last!
For almost two months of remaining idle and not have been able to start working, I finally found a company were I would be able to finally start my On-the-Job Training (OJT). I’m so happy today as I started my OJT in a printing press! Legacy Sales and Printing Press is where we in our student publication publish our magazines, newsletter and folio for almost 5 years now, and I never thought that I would end up having my OJT there. Though I have thought about applying there earlier, but because I preferred to work in a company which is related to my course Information Technology, I didn’t apply there at first. Unfortunately, I went to several companies, hoping to be accepted immediately, but then I failed. I even went to Concentrix, a call center company here in Cagayan de Oro City but still they never called me whether I would be accepted o not. ( It’s such a shame I wasn’t accepted thee, I would have been so much interested working there as a call center agent…sigh) then I came to a point where I was so anxious about not having been able to start my OJT yet, and it was already in the middle of December. (Goodness!) I told my close friend about my problem because I was already very sad about my situation, and then she helped me without a doubt. She called Legacy and asked the manager if they accept OJTs at this time. It was already December 23, 2010, and majority of my classmates are almost done with our 180-hour OJT period, while me? I haven’t started yet. So, the following week my friend and I went to Legacy and looked for their manager, and without a doubt, she accepted me immediately!
I was surprised with here immediate decision, but then, I was very very happy to hear that she accepted me immediately. Then she asked when I would want to stat, then I told here, “anytime ma’am!” Then my friend butt in and said “Tomorrow!” immediately. So the manage said hat would be better, and that was fine with me, because the sooner I would start the better!
So today, December 29, 2010, I began my fist day of wok at Legacy, and it was fine… so far. I wasn’t given many tasks today...yet…maybe because I’m new to the company and still have to adjust with the environment as well as with the people around. The first thing that was in my mind when I started working this morning was if ever I would be able to wok with the kind of job elated to my field or not. Then later on, I realized that I would work as one of the layout artists, which I never really expected. (gosh!) Am I going to deal with Adobe Indesigns, Photoshop and Coreldraw?! I’m not that good in Photoshop, and I don’t know much about using InDesigns, and worse…Coreldraw! God please help me!
Well then, whatever job they will be assigning to me in the upcoming days, I am ready to experience and learn all of it as well. I just hope I can do all of it!

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