WARNING: You might find some parts of this post's content boring or uninteresting, since some terms used/mentioned are technical and/or IT-related.:)
I had my OJT today. At the start of my day, everything was fine….until the time when I came back to my work area and found out that there’s something wrong with my computer. “Tsk! How could this possibly be?” I thought. I just went out to take my lunch break, and then when I came back I would simply find out that it’s not working anymore?! I really don’t know what happened. I guess someone might have used it while I wasn’t around, sneaking and surfing the net while the coast is clear. Well actually, there is no problem with me when someone would’ve wanted to use my PC for a while. However, he or she should ask permission first. Now look at what happened…sheesh! Well I guess it was partly my fault for not having turned it off before I left. Anyways, what exactly happened is this:
When I went to my cubicle after taking my lunch, I found out my PC’s monitor is blank. (It must have shut itself down. That’s what usually happens when the PC hasn’t been used for a certain period of time, and if you made changes to that kind of setting to your PC. When you use it again and move the mouse or press any key on the keyboard, it automatically powers itself back again.) Though that’s what I expected to happen, it didn’t. I tried to move the mouse and pressed keys on the keyboard but nothing happened. I waited for a minute but still nothing happened, though I was sure enough that there was power running because the power led is green. Then after a few minutes, it finally came back to life, however the odd thing was that the system resumed itself instead of just displaying the logon screen. And when it resumed, everything was back to normal again, or at least that’s what I thought. I tried to open a browser to surf the net but it said the “Page cannot be displayed”. Then it dawned on me that my PC wasn’t receiving packets (technically another tem for data) from the internet connection, so I restarted my PC. Then, that was the time it started to operate abnormally. It kept on restarting itself over and over again. After it reached the “Starting Windows” screen, it restarted itself once more. Impatient, I shut down the PC and turned it on again. This time, the problem got worse! Though it didn’t go on that restarting loop anymore, after Windows had started, everything was dead blank! – A blank screen with only the cursor shown in the display monitor. Arrghh! What is wrong with you?!
I tried to fix it in whatever possible way I can, using my technical expertise as an IT student, but still the same problem persisted. I asked help from my coworker who is a computer Science graduate but he haven’t done anything to solve the problem. I was getting so worried at that time. I tried to restart and shut down and turned on my PC over and over again in hopes that it well work normally again, but still nothing happened. Feeling hopeless, I gave up. I used the vacant PC at the next cubicle instead, though I really don’t like it coz the PC worked so slow. But I have no choice, sigh.
The next day, I went to check my PC if it’s working fine now, but then still the problem was still there. I was sad and began to worry for my important files for my clients at work are all in there. “What am I gonna do?” I thought to myself. Don’t tell me I have to start all my works over again? My goodness! I came a long way already! Huhuhu.
Eventually, I did start all over again…one step at a time…coz I had no choice.:(
I wonder when and who will be able to fix my PC. My coworker told me their technician will fix it anyway, but she said that he only goes to the office once a week and the next time he will visit will be next week. Oh well, I guess I have to wait and suffer with that slowpoke PC for the meantime. Sigh.

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