I went to work today past 1:30pm, sad because of a painful circumstance I had experienced yesterday, and the feeling it had brought still linger up to now. (I'm sorry but I won't tell the story anymore.) I'm supposed to start my duty at 8:30am, but i decided to work half-day instead because i felt week and preferred to stay in bed for long hours. I even got late when i arrived, (I'm supposed to enter work in the afternoon at 1pm sharp) because I don't have much motivation to do so. My heart was heavy as I climbed up the stairs to the second floor of the building to where my office is, I wasn't showing much of a happy face to my coworkers, though I tried to, so as to avoid them being skeptic about how I feel or why I have a heavy face. When I arrived at our work area, I was surprised to see that my PC is finally back in good condition. Somehow at that moment, I felt lighter on the in side. It was a pleasant surprise. My coworkers told me it was already fixed by the computer technician earlier in this morning. I realized that the technician reformatted my PC, which is the solution I thought in the first place was the best for my PC in order for it to be fixed. However, the operating system installed in my PC was Windows XP instead of Windows 7. I was expecting for a Win 7 OS, and the technician forgot to install a Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome web browsers which are now used essential to net surfers nowadays. Glad I got installers of both browsers, thus I installed them myself. Voila! I'm finally ready to use my original PC once again. Somehow, I was glad to know that there was a good news as i arrived at the office today, though I really feeling blue today, I prayed at the church after my OJT and thanked God for the unexpected surprises he has given me at the point where I felt so down.
"Thank you so much Lord Jesus, for not letting me down. As always."

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